Простые английские парни из команды Evo400, специализирующейся на продаже тюнинговых запчастей на Эво, дабы доказать полезность и крутизну продлагаемых ими железяк, собрали на их основе агрегат для дрега, выжимающий, по их словам, под тысячу лошадей и выезжающий квотер из 9 секунд. Смотрим.
Drag Monster
James' car is collaboration of efforts between Evo400, The Dentist, and James himself. The car has already made quite a name for itself, making the cover of the MLR's Wastegate Chatter magazine, and being featured in various other magazines.
It has already caused havoc in the early part of this year whilst being mapped, claiming the lives of one of the rolling road harnesses, the paint on the wall behind the rollers, and even creating so much noise it received noise complains from over 3 miles away!
The car ran in the 10's at Santa Pod on its very first outing, but there is a lot more to come. Expect over 1,000 bhp and 9-second passes!