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Старый 07.12.2006, 16:54   #1 (permalink)
Аватар для Daemon
Регистрация: 26.01.2005
Адрес: Вао-Вао
Сообщений: 6,247
По умолчанию 2004 Subaru WRX STi от APR

Еще немного Субарофф, на сей раз экспонат нетрадиционно красного цвета от ателье APR Performance. Хороший пример гармоничного сочетания внешнего и внутреннего тюнинга. Фотографии - полный улет.

APR's 2004 Widebody SS/GT Subaru WRX STi
Lyrics: Cheston Chiu / Art: Scott Dukes

The aerodynamic masterminds at APR Performance bring their latest entry to the grip and time attack world: the Widebody SS/GT. This car used to be an ordinary 2004 Subaru Impreza STI — a supercar in its own right — before it evolved into this blistering BASF red-colored rocket. A walk around the vehicle reveals subtle details a novice enthusiast might miss: carbon fiber side skirt splitters, exit ports on the front fenders to reduce front wheel drag, the angle at which the rear bumper is positioned to minimize overall drag and rear wheel air vortices. This car is an aerospace engineer's delight!

"Form follows function" may be the key phrase to describe the STI's bubbling attributes, a majority of which are made from the same composites used in real fighter jets: carbon fiber. The integration of the front splitter and dual canards keep the nose planted, while the rear diffuser uses Venturi's principle to accelerate air flow from underneath the car and keep the rear sucked down to the ground. Even more downforce is added with the aid of the GT-300 wing on top of the boot. Two words: grip monster.

Of course, all these aerodynamic modifications are useless if the Subaru can't get up past 80 mph, but have no fear air molecules! That's where the plethora of HKS parts come into play. A giant HKS front mount intercooler smiles into the wind, helping cool down the air from the stock turbo. The exhaust tone is harmonically played out with the addition of an HKS turbo downpipe and full titanium exhaust.

What was that high-pitched squeal at the flick of the B&M short shifter? It's none other than the HKS Super Sequential Blowoff Valve helping to control turbo surge after the stock boost was raised and electronically maintained by the HKS EVC boost controller. An ACT 6-puck racing clutch with aluminum flywheel helps the engine transfer power to the asphalt. The stock fuel system has been augmented with a large capacity Walboro fuel pump to quench the thirst of the boxer engine.

Consistent lap times calls for predictable and reliable grip in any and all situations. It's plain easy if you're rolling on super sticky 285/30/18 Michelin Pilot Sport Cup shoes and custom forged Racing Hart 18x10 SP-210 wheels. After a high-speed blast down the front straight there are corners to reckon with. A little something called friction might help slow down the STI, courtesy of a pair of giant 345mm Project Mu 4-piston brakes in the front and stock Subaru 2-piston Brembos in the rear.

As the STI carves through the chicanes, a complete set of Hotchkis front and rear adjustable sway bars and end links are keeping body roll to a minimum. TEIN Flex coilovers dampen the weight transition and the APR front strut brace prevents distortion of the engine bay. Powering out of the last turn and down the home stretch, the checked flag is an unwelcome sight. This STI begs for just one more lap.

If you were the chosen pilot to be strapped into the Recaro racing shell, you might lose situational awareness if you had to monitor all five Autometer Nexus gauges and concentrate on the road course. It's a good thing APR installed the electronic gauges with an SD memory stick data link to download data from each runs for analysis.

All you have to do is grab the MOMO steering wheel, look two turns ahead and go for it. The Autopower roll cage will keep you safe and you can rest assured that all those little air molecules will be cheering you on.

Daemon вне форума   Ответить с цитированием

Старый 07.12.2006, 16:59   #2 (permalink)
Аватар для Daemon
Регистрация: 26.01.2005
Адрес: Вао-Вао
Сообщений: 6,247
По умолчанию

Daemon вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 07.12.2006, 17:01   #3 (permalink)
Аватар для Daemon
Регистрация: 26.01.2005
Адрес: Вао-Вао
Сообщений: 6,247
По умолчанию Specbox

APR Carbon Fiber Radiator Cooling Plate
ACT Lightweight Fly Wheel
ACT 6 Puck Racing Disk
ACT Pressure Plate
B&M Short Shifter
Carbign Craft Custom Alternator Carbon Fiber Cover
Dung Designs Dry Carbon Fiber Battery Tie Down Panel
HKS Front Mount Intercooler Kit
HKS Super Mega Flow Intake Kit
HKS Super Sequential Blow Off Valve
HKS Ti Exhaust System
HKS Turbo Down Pipe
HKS Circle Earth System ( Grounding System )
HKS Turbo Timer
HKS D1 Limited Edition Oil Cap
HKS D1 Limited Edition Radiator Cap
Odyssey Battery
PWR High Flow Radiator Kit
Walbro Fuel Pump

APR Front Upper Strut Flex Control Bar
Tein Custom Revalved Type Flex Coilover System with Upper Camber Adjustable Plate
Hotchkis 25.4mm Hollow Front Sway Bar
Hotchkis Competition Adjustable Front End Links
Hotchkis 25.4mm Hollow 3 way Adjustable Rear Sway Bar
Hotchkis Competition Adjustable Rear End Links
Hotchkis Adjustable Rear Link Kit

Racing Hart Custom 18”x10” Forged CP-S10 Wheels
Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 285/30/18

APR Wide Body Front Bumper with Brake/Oil Cooler Vents
APR Carbon Fiber Wind Splitter and Front Undertray
APR Carbon Fiber Canards
APR Wide Body Front Fenders (40mm) with Wheel Turbulence Exhaust Ports
APR Wide Body Side Skirt
APR Carbon Fiber Side Skirt Splitters
APR Carbon Fiber Formula GT3 Mirrors
APR Wide Body Rear Door and Fender Combination (40mm)
APR Carbon Fiber GTC-300 Wing EVO Spec (67” Wide)
APR Wide Body Drag Reduction Rear Bumper
APR Carbon Fiber Rear Diffuser
SEIBON Carbon Fiber Hood
BASF Custom 2 Stage Red Paint

Auto Meter Nexus Oil Pressure Gauge
Auto Meter Nexus Boost Gauge
Auto Meter Nexus Water Temp.
Auto Meter Nexus Oil Temp.
Auto Meter Nexus EGT Gauge
Auto Meter Gauge Pods
Autopower Bolt-in 4pt. Roll Cage
Momo Steering Wheel
Razo Competition Sport Racing Paddles
Razo Competition Sport shifter Knob
Recaro Pro Racer SPG Racing Shell ( Driver side )
Recaro SPG Racing Shell (Passenger side )


SP Engineering: Upgrades and Tuning
TPR Autobody: Paint and Prep for Body Work
Vinyl Mayhem: Stickers and Graphics

Daemon вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 07.12.2006, 17:04   #4 (permalink)
El presidente de Z.lo
Аватар для Xpite
Регистрация: 08.01.2005
Адрес: Z.lo
Сообщений: 8,605
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По умолчанию

интересно как они 285 котки втюхали, там арочки то неприспособлены на такие тапки
Aut viam inveniam, aut faciam.
Xpite вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 07.12.2006, 17:16   #5 (permalink)
Аватар для Daemon
Регистрация: 26.01.2005
Адрес: Вао-Вао
Сообщений: 6,247
По умолчанию

Арки посмотри насколько шире стока. Вайд боди, мать его

А вот по диаметру - до первой кочки, потом арки минус, резина минус. Только для кольца такие настройки...
Daemon вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 12.12.2006, 14:07   #6 (permalink)
Аватар для KRISHKA
Регистрация: 27.11.2006
Адрес: M-city
Сообщений: 360
По умолчанию

Обожаю субарики!!!!=))) отличный тюнинг, оч красивые фото!!!!
Хотелось бы увидеть какие-либо фоты с тюнингом форестера!!!=)))Если у кого-нибудь есть киньте ссылочку-заранее спасибо!
Меньше пафоса, больше ржаки
KRISHKA вне форума   Ответить с цитированием

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